Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Goodbye, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu

I was banned from susan-boyle.com today.  This is the message shown when I tried to access the forum:

That seemed kind of strange.  I hadn’t posted anything for several days.  And what I did post was hardly disruptive.  Here is my complete record of posts from the past two weeks:

01-07-2011 05:00 PM
Thread: ** Leave of Absence **
I am glad you have decided to stay. I've enjoyed following your story. 

12-31-2010 05:46 PM
Thread: Celebrating our *OTHER SUSANS* encounters of 2010
Diane, that is a wonderful story! :hug: I know you felt great doing it, too.

That is it.  Those are my “disruptive” posts.  Obviously, the person who wrote the ban message was not telling the truth.  So why was I banned?

I got a message from Kalua.  Actually, it was a notification of a PM from Kalua.  I have only read it in my Hotmail account because I cannot access it on the forum.  Here is the message:

For the last several days you have been copying and printing entire threads.
If I see you doing it once more you or one of your croonies I will ban you and the lot

I'm absolutely sure that the international court in The Hague will accept your complaint.

Your behaviour in this forum has become intolerable, you are warned! and if this pm lands in your blog, the same applies a complete ban

Since I am already banned, his prohibition against posting this message here seems moot.  Apparently, in spite of what the ban message said, I was banned for making copies of threads.  But why have a Thread Tool that shows a print version of threads if members are not allowed to make print copies? 

Something else happened today at susan-boyle.com that may shed some light on this situation.   A lot of threads disappeared.  Gone.  Down the Memory Hole.  The thread called Transparency & this site is gone.  The thread called Dyebat’s ride on Susan’s bus is another of the deleted threads. 

Is that the real problem?  Was I copying threads that the staff would rather no one have access to?  What are they trying to hide?  How can they possibly think they will succeed?   It is a good thing that several people have the complete set of the files.

Or was I banned for the things I have posted on my blog?  I can see why some staff and Board members might have a problem with that, especially those who are not telling the truth.