Thursday, June 2, 2011

Liars and Enablers

Though I have been evicted from SBFII, members there occasionally share posts with me.  Recently, I was shown a post by Kalua, an administrator there.  He claimed that “I do not read those blogs and I do not have the slight intention to do so.” 

Actually, he reads the blogs quite often.  In fact, his IP address has shown up on my blog over a hundred times.   There have only been 41 blogs, so I assume he checks regularly for new ones.   Other staff and Board members have also been reading the blog. 

I use Statcounter at my blog and can see the IP address of everyone who goes there.  I can also see the page they clicked on to get there.  Many have “no referring link”, since they have bookmarked the page.  Kalua has apparently bookmarked my blog page, but he also frequently clicks on a link at

The Board members of SBFII cannot claim ignorance of the information I have presented in the blogs.  I know they have read it.  By the way, no one has disputed any of the facts from the database.  As I have stated previously, if anyone doubts the accuracy of my data, the same information can be obtained independently from Hostgator if you want to verify it. 

Another post shared with me was by Board member sunandroses.  She was talking about forgiveness for those who left SBFII. 

“I for one always believe in forgiveness, but forgiveness with a well-trodden path of acknowledgement of whatever the charge was, recognition of the pain caused by the misdeed, and promises that that kind of breach of the social fabric won't happen again in the future. Only then can trust be reestablished and only then can a renewed relationship begin. Trust but verify!!”

In my opinion, she has things entirely backwards.  Those who left (Dyebat, lchris and Citroenlady) were the recipients of “the pain caused by the misdeed”, not the cause. 

Dyebat, lchris and Citroenlady never had any sort of plot to take over the forum, but they were falsely accused of that by staff members.  Tech staff members of SBFII created a fake “hacking” incident and tried to blame others for it.  Admin and Board members learned about it and covered it up.    Where is the outrage for all of those actions?

Where is the “acknowledgement of whatever the charge was”?  Where are the “promises that that kind of breach of the social fabric won't happen again in the future”?  How can trust possibly be reestablished when the staff and the admin of SBFII have told lies?  Where is the accountability? 

Do all Board members sanction the actions of JudyOkla and Danileo?  Do the Board members sanction the actions of their president, Tickled Pink, who covered up and lied about events?  Do the Board members sanction the actions of staff who made public, but false, accusations?  Do the Board members sanction the actions of those who knew about the events, but remained silent?  (This includes Board members themselves.) 

If they continue to do nothing, the obvious conclusion is that the Board members do sanction that behavior.  Why would people of supposed good character do that?  Were those who suggested them for the Board wrong about their character?  Is it because they are involved in the misdeeds themselves, if only after the the fact?  Does the Board President have so much influence over them that they would ignore their own moral sense of right and wrong?  Are they being lied to yet again? 

Where is the outrage?  Where is the accountability?