It appears that it is not only the same few people who want to know the truth. There are others who want to know what happened and were starting to speak up. But the thread was closed before many had the opportunity to express their opinions.
I do not understand what would be sooo terrible about coming out with the truth. Yes, some people were fooled by the lies of the cyber-bully. Most of us were at one time or another. But it is past time to clear the air.
I am not insisting on retractions to punish or embarrass those who believed and repeated the lies. In that respect, they were victims, too. The purpose of the retractions is to clear the names of those who did not do the things of which they were accused. The false accusations should not be allowed to stand. The forum will never be able to move forward until this is cleared up. Ignoring it means the bully has won.
I think Citroenlady has set an example in her post where she apologized and said, “ I can even see now that some of the things I genuinely believed to be true were lies perpetrated initially by our cyber-stalker troll. I can only hope that I am older and wiser now....
Bullying and stalking can take many, many forms. No-one must ever, ever, be afraid to report anything they feel goes beyond their comfort zone, either online or in real life. Each time we hesitate, another bully wins.”