Sunday, November 7, 2010


We all make mistakes, but do we have to dwell on them?  If we can forget that things were said about people which weren’t true, why can’t they? Just because we never apologized or retracted the accusations doesn’t mean they shouldn’t forgive us and move on, does it?  Does it?
Isn’t it better to stifle discussion of past unresolved issues; those issues that might cause embarrassment to certain staff members because they highlight how innocent people were smeared? 
Isn’t it better to sweep them under the rug and insist we “move on”?  What shall we do about insistent  members who seem dedicated to clearing the names of the innocent accused?  Can’t they just forget about it and watch a happy video?  Why do they insist on resurrecting “the past”?  Can’t we all pretend it never happened?
Let’s see …… we could stifle discussion by labeling any questions and concerns about the issues as “contentious”.   We can’t have any contention on the forum!  In fact, let’s claim that they “post only on contentious matters”.   Does it matter that the reason they keep bringing it up is because we refuse to deal with it? 
Labeling posts, or even members themselves, as “contentious” solves a lot of our problems.  If “contentious” posts are outlawed, we can delete any post that questions the staff or Board.  Then members can get warnings and even be banned for bringing up past unresolved issues.    
This is such a great idea! It will work for current issues, too.  Any issue that is uncomfortable for us can simply be called contentious.  Problem solved!  No need to issue retractions, answer questions, explain decisions or justify questionable rulings. 
Never again will the staff or Board have to deal with those pesky issues of partiality, fairness and truth.  If those subjects are raised, send ’em a PM:  “You have violated Point #6”.  Problem solved.