Monday, January 24, 2011

Unfinished Business .....

“Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.” 
Dwight David Eisenhower 
Why can’t we just move on?  Why not accept the apology given in the Board report and move on?  In my experience, people wanting to ”move on” are generally supporting those suspected of misconduct.  They would like to minimize the attention on the errant deeds and put it behind them.  This is not the normal reaction of those who have been falsely accused.  They would like the truth to be known.

Dyebat, lchris and Citroenlady KNOW they did not do the things of which they were accused.  They know that lies were told about them, willingly believed and passed on by the staff. 

Do those of you who believed “Mark Conner” or “Jenny” realize that it was the same cyber-troll that was already banned from the forum many times?  You know he put out false information in the past.  This was more of the same; cruel lies spun for those eager to believe them.  Some people, including staff, were still in contact with him in August, still believing his lies.

Those who think it should all be water under the bridge do not understand the true magnitude of what happened.  There was no attempt to take over the forum by lchris, Dyebat and Citroenlady. 


And, of course, they have always known that.  To understand the full impact of the lies told about them, it would be enlightening to read the Transparency thread with that in mind.  But that thread has been deleted.*

So why not move on now?  Because the staff has not admitted to their part in what happened last July.  Because the Board report was full of more lies.  Because the “apology” was made meaningless by including everyone.  Why apologize to those who told the lies along with their victims?  That kind of apology is null and void on arrival.

And why were only the members of DJG’s forum specifically exonerated?  There was an entire thread, sanctioned by staff, accusing Citroenlady, lchris and Dyebat of working with the members of another forum to take over SBFII.  I am a member of that forum and know it was completely untrue, but it was never retracted in the Board report.  Why not?

The Board report contained deliberate untruths.  It does not appear that anyone on the staff or Board actually wanted to find out the truth.  No one objected when the "independent investigation" was neither independent nor an investigation.  No one asked lchris about any of her data.  No one asked Hostgator.   Not the Board, not the "investigator".

The Board report was a whitewash of staff involvement in the events of last summer.  So we will continue to investigate ourselves.  We want to know the truth, even if no one else does. 

*The latest word from staff at SBFII is that if something is “sent via PM or email”, it is okay to share it.  So anyone desiring a print copy of the Transparency thread may request one at